Minute Lit 3 - Variations, was recorded two weeks ago at the Beehive coffee house, in Southside, Pittsburgh. Dawn and I met for several hours to talk through the basic outline for the show, on top of which we spoke extemporaneously about many fun, and some funny, topics. See the show notes below for details and links referenced in the 'cast.
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Minute Lit main page, hosted on Apple's iWeb: you can subscribe to all episodes of "Minute Lit" and "Minute Lit - Tech" here, viewable in your favorite podcatcher (iTunes, etc.).
Please note that the podcast is recorded in AAC format, an "enhanced" podcast, which includes viewable pictures for those of you viewing on your PC, Mac, Linux boxen or color iPods/nanos. If you use an iPod Shuffle or other screenless audio player, like I do, just listen. :-) Note: if you're not using iTunes, you may need Quicktime [
Show Notes:
Minute Lit 3 - Variations [1 hr 5 min 8 sec] (enhanced podcast, AAC, with pictures)
In this edition of Minute Lit, we'll- explore the meaning and idea of variations in the arts
- the idea that if nothing is new under the sun, then what we see must be variation;
- we'll talk about a word you may not be familiar with, Proskynesis, and
- we'll pose a question to you which we challenge you to answer.DiscussionAlex -
Kids play based on things they've seen, read or heard about.
Variation in MusicBach's Goldberg Variations
For more on this, look up "
goldberg variations".
Dawn -
Variations in Literature & Film
Quentin Tarentino
Sociologists take Hamlet to Africa
Queen Elizabeth left Buckhingham Palace to be amongst her people
Variations in film adaptations of Hamlet
Vampire lore & Buffy - after Alex mention's Elizabeth Kostova's "
The Historian"
Drizzit - games/video games
Star Wars and Star Trek
Scotty's ashes are beamed up
Minute Lit Vocabulary word:
Alexander the Great &
ProskynesisFurther DiscussionMinute Lit Tech - Podcast Review:
John Wall and
The M ShowBratz - Dawn shares Karin's views
No clowning around about Clowns
Lit Quiz:
Penelope and Odysseus - the answer to the question about how Odysseus successfully revealed himself to Penelope, his wife.
Minute Lit 3 Quiz Question
E-mail your answer in text or audio to
Pixelcorps.tv (podcasts, vidcasts) & Pixelcorps.com (classes, discussion) viewing and learning new media
G-Spod podcast - serving the Gay/Lesbian world community.
Conclusion***Correction: While discussing the 4th wall, I attributed Puck's closing soliloquy of A Midsummer Night's Dream to Romeo and Juliet. Please note that Puck and the "If we shadows have offended" speech does, indeed, appear in A Midsummer Night's Dream. A thousand apologies. ~Dawn