Monday, August 25, 2008

Podcamp Pittsburgh 3 Approaches

Podcamp Pittsburgh 3 approaches. Let's see what people are saying out there:

[quotes may be taken out of context ;-]

Twitter: PCPGH3 mtg tonight, right?

Ms. Papuga, thanking Podcampers who're real sports: Yinz Team is all Heart

Podcamp Pittsburgh: Registration is now open for the most fun- and information-filled event of the year: PodCamp Pittsburgh 3.

My Brilliant Mistakes blog: TheJim, Doug, and even the elusive PittGirl of The Burgh Blog are posting about it.

ShowClix: Registration on ShowClix

Mr. Kownacki himself: Here in Pittsburgh, several dozen of us are working to bring PodCamp Pittsburgh 3 to life in October. While I love seeing so many passionate people dedicated to the same common goal, the downside is, sometimes we move too fast for our own good.


Who else is talking about it?

Find out: Google "podcamp pittsburgh 3" or "pcpgh3".


Pghbloggers Fest 15 just occurred - were you there?

Hey, folks, Pghbloggers Fest 15 just occurred at Finnegan's Wake, in Northside, Pgh. Were you there?

I wasn't. :-) But many of my buds were.
