Saturday, March 24, 2007

Minute Lit - Episode 2 - Literature

After the interim episode of Minute Lit Tech, we're back with a full episode of Minute Lit! The pre-release edition of the episode is already posted, and we're working on putting the final touches on it--but if you want to get an advanced listen, drop by and tune in!

In this next episode Alex and I discuss what the definition of "literature" actually is-- and it's not as cut and dry as you might think (Halo can be considered Literature? Who would have thought?). We discuss the applicable Sonnet 23 from Shakespeare, and even touch on Law & Order.

Our word for the episode is "Concatenate," and as you'll hear, it really can be that difficult to pronounce! We also touch on literary journals, and give the ever challenging Minute Lit Quiz (hopefully this time it's more difficult!).

We'll post another update when the formatting and editing is complete, but enjoy the sneak peek!

As always, any questions can be addressed to us at and we'd love to hear from you!


Shakespeare Concordance

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